Dag 2 avklarad
Day number two is over and it was a pretty good day. I had a hard time to fall last night without a reason. I woke up this morning before my alarm went off. Made lunchboxes and breakfast for the kids. Woke everybody up and drove to school right in time. Went home and toke care of some laundry and then I went to the gym for 1,5 h workout. Took a shower there and next destination was the library for some reading of New Moon. At 12 I picked up Xander and we went home for lunch and playtime. We baked some delicious cookies and at 3 we went to Arbor to pick up the kids. From Arbor we went directly to the MAC for tennis and swimming lessons. Granma and Grandpa joined for some dinner there. Then we drove home and now we are 6 people in the house again.
Tomorrow it´s Saturday which means horseback lesson for Ellery and some work in the barn for me. Maybe a lesson for me too, i don´t know yet. It´s supposed to rain tomorrow too, so I don´t know what to do the rest of the day. I don´t have to work so something fun would be nice. Try to get out of the house a little bit. Working on my last assignment maybe? And some homeworks? Need to find a class for the spring term too.
Sunday is going to involve a hard work out with my friends at the MAC during the day and then a goodbye party in the night.
Now its movie time for me! Good night guys, sleep tight. Or maybe good morning Sweden ;)